Why subscribe?

“My life is a reading list.”—John Wheelwright, A Prayer for Owen Meany, John Irving

The podcast’s description:

Carla is: a bluestockinged bookdragon;

a 50-something with psychology and counseling degrees with post-grad work in grief/loss/trauma, sex crimes, and forensic anthropology;

a woman who has lived in three haunted houses;

a former Virginian Pilot journalist and counselor, who is never bored;

a disabled introvert who sees connections everywhere–like John Nash, only less math-y;

a knitting fidget who loves horror movies with a skewed passion.

Like one of her heroes, Harriet the Spy, she wants to learn everything and write it all down in her commonplace book.

Join her (and sometimes her friends) in her strange library as she INFJs everything from unused angles.

It’s going to get weird in the best way. Let’s play.

First podcast episode: April 28, 2017

Subscribe to get full access to every post to the newsletter and website and never miss an update. The free version of the newsletter delivers podcast updates, new podcast episode announcements, and website posts to your inbox. Plus: my thoughts on media that I am consuming (tv, games, books), and info about what I am knitting and drawing with links to patterns and tools.

The paid version delivers all of the above plus full ad-free episodes of the podcast (you can just see the podcast entries here); and diary entries: what’s going on with me that I am not sharing on the podcast, health-wise and personal-wise. Some cupcakes are just made for private gatherings, you know? I’ll also talk in the paid version about podcasting in general, sharing the tools I use and the help I’ve received. I’ll be also sharing my writing in progress with you that’s not on the podcast, and my writing news.

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You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox and becomes searchable on your device.

Don’t forget as well, there are now notes (small bits and bites, like Twitter posts) and chats on the Substack app and on the Substack website. Those don’t email. You come to them.

Join the crew

Be part of a community of people who share your interests and love the podcast through chat and comments on posts and notes.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

The podcast’s website is theremightbecupcakes.com, which is in the process of migrating here.

Thank you “in my rags of light”*,


*Leonard Cohen, “If It Be Your Will”

Subscribe to There Might Be Cupcakes Podcast

“My life is a reading list.”—John Wheelwright, A Prayer for Owen Meany, John Irving There Might Be Cupcakes Podcast | 2017- | Books, history, true crime, horror, paranormal, personal stories | finding cupcakes to make each day easier | ♿️ | she/her


My pic is me at two reading a Book on Record, the original audiobook. You can see EDS in the posture of my arm & my twisty feet. I have been writing all my life & podcasting for eight years, from a mountain outside Amherst, Virginia.